Monday, May 25, 2020

How to access built in serial monitor of Arduino IDE - Arduino Tutorial #3

In the video, the serial monitor section begins @ 5:35min mark

To explain built-in serial monitor I have connected a Trimmer(pin1 to GND, center pin to A0 & pin 3 to 5V) to the Arduino & powered it ON and uploaded the sketch AnalogReadSerial from the library

Now to open the serial monitor go-to tools & click on Serial Monitor

Now as you can see when I adjust the trimmer the value changes in the Serial Monitor. To get the values to the serial monitor you need few statements written in the sketch (detailed explanation can be found in the latter part of the post)

Important statements should be written and steps to take to get the values in the Serial Monitor

1. Serial.begin(9600); - this statement will always be declared inside the Void Setup() {} This initializes serial communication at 9600 bits per second.

2. Serial.println();  - This statement prints values in the Serial Monitor

3. In the serial monitor make sure that you set the baud rate to 9600 which will be in the right-hand bottom corner

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